Blenderpoint web video reader

To load the demo, click here.



This plays a video and stops at specific fixed frames called "stops" (WARNING: this is still not considered as stable due to the lack of tests, polishments, and the fact that it is not tested in Firefox. See TODO for more details.). To specify the stops (that you can obtain in console (F12 > console) by using the L key, cf documentation above), you can either press the S/a/r keys (cf. documentation above), or add in the comments of the video something like this (In VLC you can see and edit the comments of a video via Tools > Media information or Ctrl-I):

{"stops": [1,5,10]}

This format allows more advanced options, for instance to provide information on the original position of a frame in a clip that will be documented later.

You can also load videos from an url: just add the (url encoded) url into the url of this page:
You can also specify the stops in the url directly if your video does not have it encoded:,20,50
You can also override the stops of a any file that you load locally (even if stops are contained in the video file), but for that you need to use:,20,50


I'd like to thank sandersdan that provided very useful advices to make this more efficient.

TODO and known bugs